little vumbura camp

Northern Okavango Delta.

In the same concession as its larger sister camp, Vumbura Plains, Little Vumbura offers the same quality of safari in the Okavango Delta but in a very different set-up. Situated on a beautiful island in a private reserve in the north of the Delta, Little Vumbura is a truly authentic safari camp.

Little Vumbura has 6 tents built under a huge canopy of ancient ebonies, marulas, knobthorn and fig trees. Attractive palms give the island a tropical feel and attract elephants, especially towards the end of winter. Each tent is spacious, with private facilities and an outside shower. The tented rooms are on low platforms with paths threading through the trees to the public areas.

Little Vumbura's main area is reached by a long wooden walkway which leads to a shady bar and outside dining area on one side and a shaded lounge with plenty of comfortable armchairs and sofas on the other. A small bridge accesses the star deck and campfire and is perfect for relaxing at night. The library contains a good selection of books and two lounger-style chairs with great views over the water surrounding the camp. A separate decked area and plunge pool, with sunbeds and a shaded canopy, also have views over the surrounding reed beds.


Being surrounded by water and close to permanent big and fast-flowing channels means the main focus at Little Vumbura is on water activities. However, game drives are included, with a short boat cruise to get to your vehicles. Night drives are possible most of the year but may be restricted if flood levels are too high. Guests can enjoy motorboat and mokoro activities, guided walks, and fishing. General game species are abundant around Little Vumbura, including impala, kudu, zebra, common waterbuck, chacma baboon, red lechwe, vervet monkey and common reedbuck. Sable antelope, giraffe, elephant, tsessebe, Cape buffalo and hippo are also often seen. Wild dogs frequently move through the concession, and other predators include several resident lion prides, leopards, cheetahs and the African wildcat. As a concession containing many different environments, from shallow- and deep-water floodplains and channels to dense, shady woodlands, Little Vumbura is a first-rate Okavango camp for bird-watching.

Why we like Little Vumbura Camp

Little Vumbura is an intimate and authentic safari camp with a great variety of game activities. The bird-watching is particularly good.

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