Kwando Lagoon

Kwando River in a private concession in the Kwando-Linyanti area.

Kwando Lagoon is situated in the remote far north of Botswana on the 2320 square kilometre Kwando concession. Lagoon lies amongst tall and ancient African Ebony and Marula trees on the banks of a permanent lagoon formed by the meandering Kwando River. Kwando is a wild reserve that attracts superb big game, especially during Botswana's dry season. Kwando Lagoon is one of the best areas to see the predators, including lions, leopards, cheetahs and wild dogs.

Kwando Lagoon accommodates 18 guests in 9 luxury safari-style tents, one of which is a 2-bedroomed family room . Each tent looks out over the water and has private en suite facilities with open-air showers and modern amenities. Hippos and elephants are regularly sighted from the private verandas of the tents, as are playful spotted-necked otters.

The main lodge at Kwando Lagoon is large and relaxed, with a lounge area housing a small library offering a selection of natural history books. The large shady deck overlooking the channel where crocodiles, elephants and large pods of hippos are often seen is dotted with chairs and tables. Early morning breakfast is served around the fire in the boma area and is popular for enjoying a few drinks after dinner. Guests can cool off in the camp's plunge pool or relax on the surrounding sunbeds. Lagoon has a combination of solar and generator power.


The river system around Kwando Lagoon is a maze of oxbow lakes, fossil riverbeds, reedbeds and riverine forests. There is excellent birding in the Kwando area and a wide variety of game, including lions, large herds of buffalo, red lechwe, spotted hyenas, and particularly wild dogs for which Lagoon is famous as the dogs have denned near the camp for many years. Among the great variety of antelope found at Lagoon, the endangered sable and roan are often seen. The specially designed double-decker barge navigates the shallows and oxbows of the Kwando River year-round. The strong current in the river enables the barge to float silently down the river allowing guests to experience the tranquillity of this remote wilderness on a clear day, guests can observe hippos walking under the crystal-clear water. In addition, fishing is a speciality at Lagoon and guests will have an opportunity to catch tiger fish, bream, catfish and pike. Game walks are on offer but are at the guides' discretion due to the concentrations of elephants found at Lagoon.

Why we like Kwando Lagoon

Kwando Lagoon operates game drives with a guide and tracker, offering an enhanced experience for guests in an area famous for wild dogs and huge herds of elephants and buffalo.

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